Fight Night at Leo's Casa Calamari

Vinny Muscle Stallion vs. Joel Alpha Hunk

Joel Alpha Hunk flew into New York City on a Friday afternoon for a three day weekend. Why would he leave sunny Puerto Rico for cold NYC? Yeah, he was thinking the same thoughts as he waited in 20 degree weather at the airport cab stand. 
On the way into Manhattan, the cabbie yells back at him “Jesus, you are built like a rock man. What are your stats?” Joel chuckled wondering how the driver even noticed given his winter coat. “6’3” and about 225lbs. Got a 50” chest and 20” arms man.” “Wow, you must do MMA or wrestle or something.” If he only knew, Joel said to himself happily remembering the night he won the PR ALPHA STUD belt. 
“I do some of that. Any underground wrestling clubs in the city?” asked Joel.  The driver paused then said “I know of a back room pro ring in Brooklyn run by a guy named Leo. The front is a terrific pizza place...called Leo’s Casa Calamari. Think it’s on Third Avenue. They have No Holds Barred fights on Friday and Saturday nights. I hear the purse is sometimes $5,000!” “Hmmm...” Joel thinks, “I could pay for my weekend and turn a profit.” 
“That’s only if you win bud. And the reigning hunk at Leo’s is a smooth muscle stud named Vinny.... Vinny Muscle Stallion. He’d probably demolish you, sorry to say.” Joel smirks thinking of the many supposed alphas he had destroyed and owned. But he’s intrigued, too. At his hotel, he changes into his red Speedo before putting back on his jeans. He Googles Leo’s, gets the address and orders up an Uber. 
On the way over, he finds himself wondering about this Stallion and whether Vinny will be screaming out his submission by night’s end. The Uber drops Joel in Brooklyn and there it is “Leo’s Casa Calamari.” Raucous noise from inside can be heard from outside.  What a joint he thinks as he enters.
Meanwhile, Vinny is sitting in the changing room at Leo’s hearing the crowd buzzing in anticipation of his match tonight. Only problem is that Leo hasn’t found anyone willing to wrestle him. He gets geared up nonetheless in a black Speedo with gold trim and matching black boots and black wrist tape. He pours a little oil on his hands and rubs it into his 54” sculpted chest then stands in front of the full length mirror admiring his jet black hair and handsome as fuck face. 
Vinny is 6’2” 235lbs with a muscled olive skinned torso. Jeez, he sighs, “I am gorgeous.  I sure hope Leo makes a match. I could use the extra dough.” Just then Vinny’s loyal buds start to chant “VMS! VMS! VMS!” He flashes a grin at himself. “They love their Stallion! I don’t want to disappoint those guys.”
As Joel enters Leo’s, he can hear a loud crowd in the back chanting some initials. It sounds fucking rowdy. A silver haired dude with a big smile greets him warmly...then checks out Joel as he gives his coat to a coat checker standing beside him. The older man says with a big smile “I’m Leo, the owner.” His eyes dart up and down Joel’s body. “Wow! You’re some kind of hunk. You come to take on our resident champion Vinny?” 
Joel grins confidently “I’m Joel Alpha Hunk from the PR here for the weekend, and, yes, I heard about your chump.” Smiling at that comment, Leo says “Perfect! It’s an NHB pro ring match. There’s a big purse for the winner and best of all, stakes. Oh, I can’t believe my luck tonight. Follow me to our changing room!”
Suddenly the door to the changing room swings open. Leo pokes his head in with a big smile. “Look who I found Vinny!” Then Vinny turns to see Joel...tall...big muscled... beautiful brown as fuck.  The Stallion’s 8” cock starts stiffening as he gapes a bit longer than he should. He wills himself to smirk cockily at the supposed alpha stud from Puerto Rico “And who the fuck are you?” 
Joel slides past Leo into the changing room and sees Vinny in his tight black Speedo with matching boots. He takes in his perfectly proportioned smooth body….his torso glistening with oil…his thick black hair and handsome face. The moment is ruined when Vinny asks who the fuck Joel is. 
“That’s no way to treat a visitor! I’m Joel Alpha Hunk from the PR. You may have heard of me. I have my own YouTube fitness channel and I am the reigning PR ALPHA STUD!” Joel immediately pulls off his shirt and jeans revealing his perfect ebony pecs and abs...thick quads...and bright red Speedo covering his fat 9” cut cock.
Vinny watches Joel undress down to his bright red Speedo and ample package. His now semi-hard cock needing an adjustment, he turns away and straightens out his shaft. “PR ALPHA STUD?” Vinny asks with some disbelief. “No idea what the fuck that is or why I should care about it.” 
As Vinny turns to face Joel again, he smirks “There can be only one alpha stud here pretty boi.” Then the Stallion double bi flexes in the direction of the mirror putting an exclamation point on his taunt.
“Guess you’ll just need to learn the hard way what that is!” Joel says ... moving in front of Vinny and going into a crab pose so Vinny can see the alpha stud’s big defined back muscles.
Joel hears Leo take the mic out in the ring area. “Gents! Welcome to Leo’s! We have a treat in store for you tonight. INTRODUCING THE CHALLENGER, A SPECIMEN IF EVER THERE WAS ONE, THE PR ALPHA STUD HIMSELF, JOEL ALPHA HUNK!!!” Joel drops his pose and moves towards the door in his bare feet... “Time to take care of business PONY BOI!” he trash talks on his way out to the ring.
Vinny watches Joel head through the door and rushes up behind him. He wraps his 22” right gun around Joel’s neck pulling him into a side head lock. “No FUCKER calls me a pony BITCH!” He yanks Joel towards the ring just as Leo introduces Vinny as the reigning Casa & Calamari Champ…the Stallion’s buddies roar as they see Joel being dragged towards the ring while Vinny shakes his head sideways maintaining a tight hold.
Joel had felt Vinny’s big gun suddenly wrap around his neck and yank him into a side head lock...grunting Joel tries to pry his arm off of him but finds himself being pulled forward into the ring area...the fans are screaming “VMS!” and laughing at the PR ALPHA STUD … SMACK! SMACK! One of Vinny’s buddies SPANKS Joel’s big ass and he hears more laughter. SHIT! Not the entrance Joel had hoped for. 
As the two studs approach the corner, Vinny bends down with Joel’s head still locked in his grasp and rushes forward aiming to slam Joel’s forehead into metal steps leading up into the ring. Might be a very short match but what the hey! 
Joel sees the metal steps looming large and realizes too late what’s going down. BANG!!! His forehead gets SMASHED and he ricochets away from Vinny onto his chest on the padded floor outside the ring .... seeing stars.... his red Speedo covered ass up in the air as the Stallion’s Brooklyn buddies cheer wildly. He tries to regain his senses, getting onto his forearms but has no idea where Vinny is.
“PR ALPHA STUDS MY ASS!” Vinny shouts as Joel lies face down…his butt in the air... Vinny moves over as Joel gets to his forearms...grabs the back of his red Speedo pulling it up between Joel’s ass crack...letting Vinny’s buddies see his sexy bubble butt. 
Vinny drags Joel up by the wedgie and sends him under the bottom rope rolling into the ring. The hunky Stallion then winks at his fans and mouthes “His Ass is Mine!” He vaults up onto the apron, fist pumps the crowd and steps in over the top rope with a cocky grin.
Joel rolls a few times until coming to a stop on his back at center ring only to see Vinny coming for him…. Shaking his head, Joel rears back his legs and starts kicking trying to keep the Bay Ridge stud at bay...playing for time to recover... He hear Vinny’s fans chanting “PR BETA BITCH!”
As Joel starts kicking, Vinny grabs one ankle, then the other. Lifting Joel’s legs high and spreading them wide, he stomp’s the PR ALPHA STUD’s eight pack. BAM! BAM! BAM! Then he places his black boot on the large bulge of Joel’s red Speedo and starts to gaspedal the hunk’s balls.
Joel’s head and upper torso rocket upwards with each kick as his arms flail wildly. Then Joel feels Vinny’s large boot on his pouch. “NO MAN, PLEASE NO!” he pleads but Vinny slowly crushes the stud’s big nuts. “AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!” Joel crunches up in desperation and grabs Vinny’s boot...grimacing and grunting... and prying it off his bulge...then pulls his feet back before KICKING HARD sending the Stallion flying backwards into the corner turnbuckles hard. CLANG!
Joel thinks “finally a little momentum.”  He sees Vinny’s back crash into the turnbuckles as the Stallion’s buddies collectively gasp. The PR ALPHA STUD jumps back to his feet and rushes to the corner… draping Vinny’s muscled arms over the top rope. He rears back and sends massive CHOPS into each of the Stallion’s large smooth pecs. POW! POW! 
Then pulling Vinny’s waistband towards him for leverage, Joel delivers a powerful punch to the Stallion’s lower abs.  He does it again, this time looking down and seeing Vinny’s trimmed black pubes and semi-hard cut cock briefly before delivering his second blow. BAM! With Vinny’s chest exposed, Joel reaches in and digs his claws into each pec...going the fans start to boo the PR ALPHA STUD. “HOW YOU DOING NOW PONY?” shouts Joel over the crowd.
Vinny hears the fans booing as Joel reveals his sadistic side trying to take control of the match. But Joel is standing in front of the Stallion, which gives him an opening. Vinny slams his right knee into Joel’s crotch.  SQUISH.  “OOHHHHH FUUCCCKKKK!” Joel hollers as Vinny’s knee rams his package.... Joel lets go of Vinny’s pecs falling to his knees holding his wounded balls in front of the Italian hunk... that dull pain flooding the nerve endings of Joel’s body... His eyes watering... His handsome face resting against Vinny’s hardening bulge... trying to recover.... then realizing Vinny’s vulnerable position. 
Joel pulls his face back then HEAD BUTTS Vinny’s nut sac. THUD!  As Joel’s head smashes into Vinny’s crotch, the Stallion’s mouth opens wide … but no sound comes out … just eyes bulging…his arms still draped over the top rope as his boots slide out and his ass sinks onto the middle turnbuckle... Leo’s customers are stunned by the head butt.
Joel flashes a grin to the crowd then leans in and wraps his muscled arms around Vinny’s waist ... ROARING like a lion Joel hoists the Stallion upwards and against the alpha stud’s smooth rounded brown chest...then SQUEEZES HARD applying maximum pressure in a tight bearhug.
Still in agony from the headbutt, Vinny watches Joel reach in and hug his waist before lifting the Stallion up like a sack of potatoes and squeezing him in a massive bearhug... “UUUUGGGHHHHH! OOHHH MAANNNN...OHHHH FUUUCCCKKK” Vinny yells out as his rib cage feels on the verge of cracking and his air supply is nearly cut off.  Vinny’s arms flail over and behind Joel’s head... the fans suddenly start chanting “ALPHA HUNK! ALPHA HUNK!” 
Joel loves the sudden adulation of the Brooklyn crowd.  He STOMPS around the ring squeezing and shaking Vinny’s mid-torso…There is a BIG GRIN on the PR ALPHA STUD’s face as Vinny’s buddies recognize a real ALPHA HUNK by their chant. Joel’s 9” uncut fat cock stiffens quickly in his red Speedo...tenting out the pouch... 
The ebony hunk snarls in Vinny’s ear as his arms flail “YOU’RE MY PONY BITCH NOW” then squeezes again before throwing the current champ up and over him in a classic belly-to-belly suplex. SPLAT! Vinny’s back SLAMS into the mat and Leo’s ring shakes like a major earthquake. The Stallion jackknifes upwards and flips onto his 54” chest ... His upper body now twitching... as the crowd goes wild for the ALPHA HUNK from the PR.
Joel jumps back to his feet, now on fire before Leo’s cheering crowd…He sees Vinny’s body convulsing and smirks…. With Vinny’s ass pointing upwards, Joel thinks “I don’t know if I am more excited about the purse or Vinny’s fuck hole.” He reaches inside his red Speedo and adjusts his thick hard cock so it is visibly outlined in a diagonal shape. The fans start whistling and chanting “FUCK THE PONY! FUCK THE PONY!” 
Vinny hears his own fans calling him a pony...wanting to see him fucked... But he also sees that Joel is distracted by the fans and probably Vinny’s big rounded ass. The Stallion feels his strength returning but plays possum ... hoping Joel will give him a few more seconds. Still on his chest, Vinny unwraps the black tape from his left wrist.... waiting for the PR ALPHA STUD to come closer.
Joel hollers to the crowd “YOU WANT ME TO FUCK YOUR PONY?” The fans cry out “YES WE DO! YES WE DO!” He flashes them another grin then kneels next to Vinny’s ass and grips the back of his black Speedo...then WEDGIES it up the pony’s ass crack returning Vinny’s earlier favor as the fans go wild seeing Vinny’s mountainous olive skinned globes exposed.
“AARRGGHHH!” shouts Vinny as his Speedo is wedged up his crack. But Vinny twists quickly onto his back and reaches up, wrapping his black wrist tape around Joel’s wrists ... then yanking the hunk’s head down into the valley between Vinny’s 54” pecs.... The Stallion’s 33” quads wrap around Joel’s back until his ankles lock….Joel’s hard cock now grinds into Vinny’s bulge.... “NOT YOUR FUCKING PONY!” Vinny yells.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” Joel blurts out as his wrists are wrapped and his head is yanked down onto Vinny’s chest. Joel feels Vinny’s thick quads wrapping around his back and SQUEEZING HARD. “AAGGHH! AAGGHH!” Vinny’s buddies are buzzing not sure what the Stallion is doing to the ALPHA HUNK from the PR. Vinny’s grasp on Joel’s head is tight and his bound arms are useless. Joel’s cock is so fucking hard pressed against Vinny’s 8” bulge…leaking pre through the thin fabric of his red Speedo....
“READY TO BE MY BITCH BOI?” Vinny snarls ... keeping Joel’s face smothered into his flexing pecs and squeezing his rib cage with Vinny’s thick pythons. The Stallion then rolls them so he is on top of the PR ALPHA STUD.  He releases his scissors and slides up Joel’s sexy smooth brown chest while shoving his taped up arms above his head.
Vinny rests the tenting pouch of his black Speedo on Joel’s mouth and rubs it up and down and pre drips from Vinny’s thick cut cock into his Speedo…humiliating the ALPHA HUNK from the PR. Vinny’s fans come alive as they realize their temporary heel hero is getting owned by a true Stallion.
As Vinny’s wet and sticky Speedo pouch is rubbed Joel’s face, he smells Vinny’s cum scent.  His cock jerks hands free in his red Speedo as he hears the Stallion’s buddies starting to chant “VMS!” again. Joel tries try to distract Vinny by opening his mouth and tonguing the black fabric covering the champ’s hard shaft and balls...tasting his salty pre.... 
Vinny looks back and sees Joel’s big dick jerking in his red Speedo as Vinny’s wet pouch owns the stud’s face.... Turning his head back to Joel, he watches the stud’s mouth open and tongue lap at Vinny’s Speedo bulge. Vinny moans “That’s it you greedy jobber bitch!”
Perfect Joel thinks to myself... He swings his legs up ... locks them around Vinny’s pretty boi face... and YANKS his body backwards...As Joel sits up, his bound arms come down DOUBLE AXE HANDLING Vinny’s  lower abs twice. POW!  POW! 
“HOLY FUCK!” Vinny yells out as Joel’s ankles lock around his face and yank the Stallion backwards….then Vinny feels Joel’s massive bound arms SLAM into his lower abs two times knocking the wind out of the Stallion. “OOHHFF! OOHHFF!” 
Joel releases his legs around Vinny’s head and scrambles out from under him. Then Joel bites into the tape binding his wrists together and begins to unwind the tape with his mouth. As he does this, he lands a massive knee drop into Vinny’s eight pack. THUD! 
Then he jumps back up and lands another one...trying to keep Vinny grounded on his back. “I’ve had ENOUGH of you PONY JOBBER! Time to finish you off!” Joel hollers as his wrists come free and he jumps high aiming to land a massive LEG DROP on Vinny’s chest. 
“OOHHFF! OOHHFF!” screams Vinny as Joel lands the back to back knee drops on his battered abs…Vinny’s head and upper torso crunch up involuntarily with each blow. Then BAM! a huge leg drop across the Stallion’s chest. Vinny rolls onto his stomach trying to avoid more blows...gasping for air.... hearing his fair weather fans now chanting the heel’s initials “JAH! JAH! JAH!”
Joel loves it! Vinny’s buddies turning on him... He reaches down and wraps his arms around Vinny’s mid-section...then yanks the Italian jobber up into a reverse bearhug…Joel’s still hard cock presses into Vinny’s Speedo covered ass crack...Squeezing his muscle boi body like there’s no tomorrow...grunting the fans yell “SUPLEX! SUPLEX!” 
Vinny feels being pulled up into a reverse bearhug...lifting him off his feet easily despite Vinny’s 10lbs weight advantage...then he feels his obliques squeezed hard. “GOD MAN, NO, NO, NO” Vinny screams out. He hears the crowd shouting for a suplex. “SHIT!”
“HELL YES!” Joel grins and yells before falling backwards CRUSHING Vinny’s upper back and shoulders into the canvas...HUGE GERMAN SUPLEX! As the two studs land, Joel maintains his reverse bearhug on the muscle boi from Brooklyn and drags him back up ... then lifts him high... Joel flashes another grin at the crowd and yells “AND AWAY WE GO!” before falling backwards and again SLAMMING Vinny’s back into the mat!  SPLAT! The ring shakes violently as Vinny’s back explodes in pain and he arches upwards before falling back down ... twitching again…as the crowd shouts “TAKE HIM OUT! TAKE HIM OUT!”
The PR ALPHA STUD gets back to his feet and nods yes to the crowd with a big grin...then reaches down and grabs Vinny’s jet black hair ... dragging him up to his wobbly feet and shoving him backwards into the corner....pressing his back against the top turnbuckle. Then Joel slides out onto the apron and steps up on the middle ropes before sitting down on the ring post behind Vinny. He slides his muscled arms through Vinny’s smooth pits and locks on a full Nelson. “DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS COMING?” Joel bellows at Vinny as the crowd goes wild.
Dazed by the suplexes and not able to fight back, Vinny feels Joel’s alpha body behind and above him... then he feels Joel lock in a full Nelson. “OOOOHHH FUUUCCCKKK!” moans the soon to be former champ. With the crowd in a frenzy, ROARING, Joel STANDS UP on the middle ropes LIFTING Vinny’s smooth big muscled body off the ground in a HANGING FULL NELSON. Vinny hears Joel’s roar and feels his body being lifted off the mats. 
“AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!” Vinny legs kick nothing but air below him….his head feels like it will pop off. “PLEASE, PLEASE....FFUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!” screams the Italian jobber.
As the fans yell “PR ALPHA STUD!” Joel demands “SUBMIT PONY BITCH!” as he shakes Vinny’s head and body watching Vinny’s hard dick bouncing in his black Speedo and big legs flailing.  “I GIVE!!! I GIIIIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE!” Vinny screams out.  But Joel shakes his head “NOT GOOD ENOUGH! SIR! I SUBMIT SIR!” Joel commands as he wrenches Vinny’s neck in his hanging full Nelson. “SIR!!! I GIVE SIRRRRRRRRRRRR!” Vinny cries out in his humiliation to the hunky dom from the PR!
Joel hears Vinny’s total submission. “THAT’S IT, BEGGING BITCH BOI!” he scoffs and releases his full Nelson dropping the pathetic muscle boi body to the canvas as the fans chant “FUCK HIM JOEL! FUCK HIM JOEL!”  As Vinny is dropped me to the mat, he crumples forward flopping onto his belly….he hears the fans go wild wanting to see his ass fucked by the ALPHA HUNK.
Joel jumps off the middle ropes grinning widely then places his barefoot between Vinny’s shoulder blades and strikes a victory pose over his fallen body. The PR ALPHA STUD then reaches down and grabs the back of Vinny’s Speedo and peels it down exposing the defeated champ’s amazing ass to the fans who whistle loudly. 
“LETS TAKE THIS PONY FOR A LITTLE RIDE!” Joel shouts as he yanks up Vinny’s head and shoves it through the leg hole of his wet and sticky Speedo. Then holding the Speedo as Vinny’s new collar, Joel pulls Vinny onto all fours and begins to walk him around the ring as the crowd points and laughs ... Cell phones flash capturing the former champ’s humiliation.
Vinny feels his Speedo yanked down his legs and hears the whistles and catcalls of his former supporters. Then the pony feels himself collared in his own wet gear and his ass paraded around Leo’s ring…his hard cock spurting pre on the mat.  
Joel sees Vinny’s stiff rod leaking jizz as he is led around the ring... After completing a tour of all four sides, Joel stands in front of the defeated hero…his 9” dick almost protruding from his red Speedo. Yanking Vinny’s face upwards, Joel commands “TAKE OFF MY GEAR BITCH!”
Vinny stares up at Joel’s tenting red Speedo knowing what he has to do…He places his hands on Joel’s hips then grabs the waistband of the stud’s gear and slowly pulls it down his thick quads until Joel’s huge cock bounces upwards hitting the alpha hunk’s hard abs…Vinny sees Joel’s swollen mushroom head. He sees that Joel is shaved smooth and he inhales the stud’s MASCULINE smell. 

Leaning forward, Vinny extends his tongue and licks Joel’s low hanging balls then his fat shaft until he reaches the stud’s cock head.  He runs his tongue over Joel’s slit tasting the PR ALPHA STUD’s pre.
“Such an obedient sub,” thinks Joel as Vinny’s tongue bathes his thick black cock. Joel roughly grabs the back of Vinny’s head and thrusts his hard 9” cock into Vinny’s mouth impaling his throat...then starts SKULL FUCKING his pretty boi face.  
Vinny feels Joel ram his monster cock into his throat then fuck it savagely ... gagging the Italian jobber…As saliva and pre spill out of the sides of Vinny’s mouth, the crowd chants “PONY OWNED! PONY OWNED!”
Joel has to admit that Vinny is one fine COCKSUCKER! His load builds ... he gets close... but Joel wants Vinny’s fuck hole…he pulls out and shoves Vinny onto his back...then props his legs over Joel’s broad shoulders. “I WANT YOU TO SEE ME AS I FUCK YOU SENSELESS!” yells Joel as his cock slides right into Vinny’s crack...finds his pucker...presses in...going balls deep in one THHHRRRRUUUUSSSTT!
Vinny feels Joel pull out and push him onto his back then mount him missionary Joel’s piercing eyes stare down at the defeated champ, Vinny feels Joel’s 9” thick beast breach his outer and inner rings…DRIVING IN…making Vinny’s eyes bulge.  But Vinny wants it now and he reaches up and wraps his arms around the PR Alpha Stud’s neck as he accelerates his thrusts... becoming a piston in Vinny’s man hole…Joel’s balls slapping the pony’s ass each time he rams in... Vinny’s prostate getting nailed by the PR ALPHA STUD as the fans clap and cheer Joel’s demolition of Vinny’s ass. 
The Italian jobber cries out “OOOHHHH FUUUCCCKKK! OOOHHHH FUUCCKKK! POUND MY ASS!!! HARDER. HARDER!” Vinny’s hard 8” cut cock spills pre onto his eight pack hands free with each thrust…as Vinny’s eyes roll back in his head. Joel feels Vinny hug him tight as he PUMMELS the pony’s fuck hole ... 
The crowd rowdy and raucous…Joel stares down at Vinny’s sex hazed face as he gets close. But the alpha stud wants to coat Vinny in his load.  He pulls out just in time ... then slides up Vinny’s chest and jerks before ERUPTING his hot load all over the chump’s face.  
As he climaxes, Joel shudders uncontrollably and spanks Vinny’s cheeks with his swollen wet rod ... marking the defeated muscle boi as his jobber bitch.
Vinny sees Joel stroke his monster cock then feels the stud’s huge hot load blast onto his handsome face. His left hand grips his hard wet dick and strokes…he DETONATES quickly...bridging upwards ... feeling his hot man juice flooding his abs….as his muscled body squirms and convulses under Joel. 
As Joel comes down from his release, he feels Vinny’s warm cum hit his lower back. Joel pulls Vinny’s black Speedo up and off his neck, then uses it to wipe his own cum off the pony’s face before leaning down to kiss Vinny deeply. “Can’t wait to fuck you again,” he winks.  
Leo steps into the ring with a big smile on his face. He shouts “THE WINNER AND NEW CASA CALAMARI CHAMP ... YOUR SEXY HERO! THE PR ALPHA STUD!!!” The crowd goes crazy one more time... Joel gets to his feet taking Vinny’s cum smeared Speedo as his souvenir. Leo hands Joel a check in the amount of $5,000. “Thanks man, PIZZAS ON ME!” Joel tells the crowd...happy his three day weekend is all paid for and then some. 
Vinny watches as Joel wipes his cum from Vinny’s face then leans in and kisses the jobber with passion.... On his back after the kiss, Vinny sees Joel collect his purse and exit the ring with Vinny’s Speedo to the roar of the alpha stud’s new fans....
Vinny says to himself “I will get my revenge someday. Tonight, I am a defeated, humiliated, fucked pony.”  He can’t help but smile as he remembers getting drilled by the hunky PR ALPHA STUD in the ring.
(To be continued.)
